A 99 County Tour

Back a few years ago Iowa was a critically important state in an upcoming Presidential Election (but of course it is an important state every Presidential Year)!!  That’s why the Family Leader was working so hard (as they do every year) to ensure that the conservative voice is alive and well in Iowa.  It may seem too soon to be pursuing the next political goal, but Bob Vander Plaats, at that time the new President and CEO of the Family Leader knew how quickly the next Presidential Primary will come up – VERY SOON!  That is why the Family Leader launched a 99 County Tour of IOWA!  Having used the services of Action Solutions in the successful unseating of three Iowa Supreme Court Justices (that is a story all by itself) Matt Reisetter of the Family Leader knew Action Solutions could deliver again.  That’s why Matt is worked with Action Solutions day-after-day to announce upcoming events.  With the message “Hi, I wanted to invite you to a Free (breakfast/Lunch/dinner)  Intended for Conservatives.  This is Bob Vander Plaats, and as the new president and CEO of the Family leader, I am excited about the victories realized last November 2nd, we picked up a majority in the Iowa House, we ousted 3 activists judges from the Supreme Court and a new Governor was a elected.   And now we, at the Family Leader have launched a 99 county ‘capturing the momentum tour’.   I’d like you to come meet with me, Bob Vander Plaats to discuss the next steps to capture the momentum we built last November to further advance the conservative movement across Iowa ..”  3 times a day, Bob Vander Plaats is met with larger and larger groups as they developed a new following in a 99 county approach to reaching Iowa.  Without the automated calls Actions Solutions delivers Matt and Bob are sure their attendance would be much, much lower!  Each meeting has averaged about 30 attendees with some being attended by over a hundred.   And many of the attendees where new members and new to the process!!  The calls are credited with bringing in the interested attendees so The Family Leader can build a county-by-county organization, finding county leaders, getting needed funding, training Church Ambassadors and building a grassroots organization.  You can check out what they are doing today at :http://thefamilyleader,org and in the story the follows.  They will continue to be a player in upcoming Presidential Elections, period! Why not use Action Solutions services today to help you group grow too!!  Call 503-400-6036 today!  Go to www.actionsolutions.net!

Interactive Autodial Voter ID Town Hall Grassroots Fundraising

Don’t waste a nickel on another robocall. Let us craft specialized interactive autodial campaigns that activate your members, activate your voters, and expand your base.

  • Action Connect: #1 leading Patch Through system
  • GOTV calls
  • Generate RSVPs for your events
  • Signature gathering

Our specialty is identifying Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who lean conservative on key issues.

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In one hour, personally interact LIVE with thousands of your constituents, voters, or members at the touch of button.

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As an offering to select clients, we have a cash-flow positive prospecting service from a voter file.

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  • Add new members who can be activated to help your organization