Patch-through calling discussion

Russ Walker, back when he was the National Political Director for Freedom Works, knew the value  of automated calling!  In states like Alaska, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, and others , Russ has seen the results.  Meeting attendance often doubles from normal because of last minute reminder calls. But several recent projects have demonstrated the power of pairing automated calls with actual action from those called.  Action Solutions has  another service called a PATCH-THROUGH Call.  This is where the call recipient gets an automated message informing them of some issue or upcoming vote (you can even use them as a follow-up to a fundraising letter letting the recipient patch through to your office to make a donation).  They are then encouraged in the message to press a key and get transferred  to their elected official, and are taken directly there by the system.  The call arrives, appearing just as any normal call from a constituent, and they give their message about what action they would like to see their legislator take.

In the year end Omnibus  Spending Bill vote, Freedom Works used extensive PATCH-THROUGH calls provided by Action Solutions.  The bill contained 1.3 billion in spending and over 6,000 earmarks, and had to be stopped and amended.  Targeting a number of critical states where the Senators were seen as possible vote switches, Action Solutions poured thousands of calls to prospective member callers.  Many, took the time to call their Senator by pressing the key described in the call.  Many got through with their message of influence.  AND the vote went the way Freedom Works had hoped!!

Interactive Autodial Voter ID Town Hall Grassroots Fundraising

Don’t waste a nickel on another robocall. Let us craft specialized interactive autodial campaigns that activate your members, activate your voters, and expand your base.

  • Action Connect: #1 leading Patch Through system
  • GOTV calls
  • Generate RSVPs for your events
  • Signature gathering

Our specialty is identifying Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who lean conservative on key issues.

  • High quality results at little cost
  • Here is the key to winning races - what's a voter "hot button"?
  • Sky high response rates
  • Results in just days

In one hour, personally interact LIVE with thousands of your constituents, voters, or members at the touch of button.

  • Custom developed, full featured system
  • Invite an entire district in minutes
  • Competitive pricing
  • Run and manage a Town Hall from anywhere!

As an offering to select clients, we have a cash-flow positive prospecting service from a voter file.

  • Prospect for new donors and build your donor base from a voter file at break even or better!
  • Experienced, well trained, callers
  • Build your email list
  • Add new members who can be activated to help your organization