What is a telephone town hall?

Have you heard of the latest thing that is being done with phone technology?  The Telephone Town Hall?  You may be asking “what is a Telephone Town Hall?”  Developed over the past 5 to 10 years, a Telephone Town Hall involves the ability to call thousands of people in a very short amount of time paired with the ability to keep those who opt into the call or join into the call together on a very, very large conference call with the ability to control the discussion.  Those who are speakers can speak while those who have joined the call are kept mute until they pose a question.  Questions can be moderated by having them screened.    A Telephone Town Hall now allows for one of the most personal interactions that a candidate, elected official, group leader, company president, alumni director, coach, etc. can have with their appropriate group without having to travel to a site and incur the costs, pre-planning and hassle of actually visiting people.  It is a way to have virtual meeting with a traditional media that most people are very comfortable with.  A Telephone Town Hall can be a great way to deepen a connection between the members of a group, the supporters of a candidate, or the voters/constituents of an elected official.  It can be a great way to open lines of communication with people who may never visit an office because of locality, make a call or participate in a discussion.

Interactive Autodial Voter ID Town Hall Grassroots Fundraising

Don’t waste a nickel on another robocall. Let us craft specialized interactive autodial campaigns that activate your members, activate your voters, and expand your base.

  • Action Connect: #1 leading Patch Through system
  • GOTV calls
  • Generate RSVPs for your events
  • Signature gathering

Our specialty is identifying Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who lean conservative on key issues.

  • High quality results at little cost
  • Here is the key to winning races - what's a voter "hot button"?
  • Sky high response rates
  • Results in just days

In one hour, personally interact LIVE with thousands of your constituents, voters, or members at the touch of button.

  • Custom developed, full featured system
  • Invite an entire district in minutes
  • Competitive pricing
  • Run and manage a Town Hall from anywhere!

As an offering to select clients, we have a cash-flow positive prospecting service from a voter file.

  • Prospect for new donors and build your donor base from a voter file at break even or better!
  • Experienced, well trained, callers
  • Build your email list
  • Add new members who can be activated to help your organization