The Family Leader – of Iowa
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Freedom Works
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Anna C Little for Congress
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- Texas Right to Life
- Citizens for Watkins
John Boozman for U.S. Senate
Art Robinson for Congress
Clark Davis and Associates
Senate Leadership Committee, Oregon
Oregon Anti-Crime Alliance
Gilliard, Banning and Associates
Jim Huffman for U.S. Senate
Oregon Republican Party
Benton County Republican Party
Jeff Caton for State Representative
Oregonians for Immigration Reform
Senator Brian Boquist, Oregon
House District 51 Candidate, Mike Mathisen
Jeff Denham for Congress
Anna Peterson for Mayor
Adams and Company
Bruce Starr for Senate
Jesse Kelly for Congress
Castillo for Congress
Craig Pope for Commissioner
Kittleman for Senate
San Diego Group
California Taxpayers Advocate
Monte Campbell for Polk County Circuit Court Judge
Dallas Tea Party
Iowa Family Policy Center Action
Committee to Elect Chris Telfer
Frank Morse for State Senate
Friends of Patrick Sheehan
Citizens for Jim Thompson
Friends of Tim Freeman
Rose Cook for State Representative
Friends of Andy Olson
Faith and Freedom