Current Action Solutions Services
Lists and Data
- Matching existing donors for deep information on high networth people
- Providing new list of potential donors
- Delivering campaign information to raise money
- Direct Hit IP Marketing
Email Marketing
Voter lists
- High quality voter data
- Phones
- GOP DATAcenter is not as accurate as it could be and better data can lead to more accuracy in outreach.
- Automated collection with analysis is 1/4 to 1/5 the cost of live phone collection
- Data for poll
Voter Identification Polling
- Used to identify supporters based upon “hot button” issues that indicate they are potential supporters
- Automated polling is an inexpensive approach to finding out how people feel about issues and creating lists for GOTV
Event Notification
- Automated calls to advertise upcoming events
Board Cast Messaging
Not associated with an event, a message can be sent to targeted audiences determined to be receptive to the message.
One call to all 4 of 4 voters
Get Out The Vote (GOTV)
- Use Voter Identification information in GOTV program
- One call the weekend prior to the Election
- One call as the ballots drop
- Automated call with an endorsement
- Live caller outreach
Direct Hit IP Marketing
- Name Identification and GOTV
- Create banner Ads
- Create video
Telephone Townhall
- Use these to communicate broad themes and activate volunteers
- Schedule another as the ballots drop
- Each call is prefaced by a pre-call invitation
Email Marketing
- Action Solutions partners with a company that manages their own online persona so you can reach more people.
- Two types of list
- Organic
- Non-organic using purchased emails
- We purchase emails
Here is a list of some of the things we have done for clients.
- Automated calls to announce an event
- Automated calls to announce an event and collect responses
- Automated calls to ask for volunteerism (leave messages about walking events; ask for yard sign locations, RSVP for fundraising events, etc.)
- Automated call to announce an endorsement
- Automated call to announce the arrival of a fundraising letter and enhance the result
- Automated call to remind and Get Out the Vote!
- Voter ID Survey’s to identify specific households on specific issues and hot button issues. For example, identify the conservative voters among the unaffiliated voter block.
- Scientific polling to look at issues of importance to the electorate, name ID levels, etc. This can be used to generate interest from the donor base.
- Push polling to see what messages will move people to a candidate.
- Patch-Through calls to ask people to press a key and go to a legislative office to ask for a certain action regarding legislation.
- Telephone Townhalls – this is a great way to reach the voters. There are two benefits: first the message of invitation to join in the townhall, whether they can attend or not is very positive; second the attendee, you can answer questions, ask for volunteers, raise funds, etc. to this group.