Spray And Pray Or Direct Voter Contact?

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What do you believe in?  Spray and Pray or Direct Voter Contact?  Is this why Cantor lost?

A lot of primaries are now over, with some yet to come. Many candidates are now focusing on the November races. However, we have had one earth-shaking outcome (Cantor).  What does it take to win?  Now is the time to decide on steps to win and budgets to get there.  What will you spend your money on?  Will it be “Spray and Pray” Marketing steps or will you advance to the next level of political marketing, which might be called “Direct Voter Contact”?One of the critical steps that is a part of “Direct Voter Contact” campaigning is Voter Identification or “Hot buttoning” on issues.  Keep reading if any of the following apply to you:
-You want your candidate to win.
-You want your bill or ballot measure ballot to pass.
-You know people are out there who agree with you, but, you don’t know who they are.

Voter identification is a powerful tool that is available to find voters who support your campaign or ballot measure facing an election this November. Here are 6 reasons why voter identification is critical this election year:

 1. Independent voters
You already know who your base is and how to get them involved. The question is, how do you reach individuals who don’t indicate by party if they are likely to agree with you on the issues?Many organizations simply avoid reaching out to this important segment of the population due of the lack of knowledge concerning what they view as important, and their positions on the issues. The answer is not to avoid them, but to learn from them and identify those who lean conservative and would either vote for you or join your organization. A voter ID survey can allow you to not only know what their views are, but the relative importance they place on each particular issue. This can allow for targeted messaging that isn’t reliant on affiliations or assumptions, but on actual responses from individuals.2. List development
Lists are the life-blood of any campaign or organization. Whether it be for your general newsletters, donors, event attendance invitations, yard signs, etc., ensuring that your database of supporters and prospects is as up-to-date and accurate as possible is essential. Voter ID surveys can add significant depth and specificity regarding your lists while having the potential of expanding it if the survey is used as a prospecting tool. The survey can help grow your list by adding names of people who have interest in the issues and values of your campaign or organization.

3. Opportunity to re-register people as Republicans
Registering people to vote provides both immediate and downstream benefits for campaigns or political parties. With the non-affiliated and independent voting segment of the population rapidly growing in many places, knowing those who hold conservative positions on the issues can allow you to efficiently utilize volunteer time when having registration drives. No longer would you have to send people out to knock on every single door, not knowing if whoever answers would register for the other party. You could provide your volunteers or paid staff with a list of doors to knock on whose residents have already indicated that they hold conservative views. This can allow you to get the most out of both your volunteer and paid time. And as they say, time is money.

4. Low Motivated Republican Voters.
A good Voter ID program can help you find low motivated Republican voters who might not vote and get them to vote.  Most voter databases contain information with the voter history.  With Voter ID you can focus on the low motivated voter with a “hot button” issue to help encourage them to vote.

5. GOTV, influencing legislation
Ultimately, any effort that goes into a campaign or organization should be working towards getting out the vote or influencing legislation. Those are the core goals. If you cannot get out the vote or influence legislation, you are wasting your time and money. Voter ID surveys can help you build a solid foundation on which to base all other efforts on. It can provide you with an advantage over your opposition that can make a significant difference.

6. Efficient use of resources
A voter ID survey can save your campaign or organization significant time and resources by allowing you to focus your efforts and messaging on a population on which, it is likely to have an impact on. Reaching out to households or individuals that are diametrically opposed to your views can be valuable, but in the home-stretch of a campaign, there may be more effective uses of your resources, and a voter ID survey could allow you to ensure that you get the most bang for your buck.

If you have any questions or would like more information concerning voter identification efforts, contact Jeff Kubler at jeff@actionsolutions.net or at 503-914-1082.
You can also visit our website at http://www.actionsolutions.net for additional information.

What Happened to Eric Cantor?  The opposition had a Get Out The VOTE program!! 
Action Solutions is a communications firm with a proven track record of helping campaigns and organizations identify and Get Out Their Vote!Contact Jeff Kubler at jeff@actionsolutions.net or 503-914-1082 to get more information on how Action Solutions can help your campaign perform the kind of Get Out the Vote you need to help you  succeed. You can also visit our website at http://www.actionsolutions.net for additional details.

Russ Walker
FreedomWorks Foundation
VP of Political and Grassroots Campaigns

“Action Solutions has been a trusted provider in helping FreedomWorks with a number of critical efforts!  From helping to advertise and improve attendance at meetings, to effective patch-through calls to influence votes, to Get Out the Vote efforts, and more, we have found Action Solutions to be a great asset to our FreedomWorks organization!”

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Interactive Autodial Voter ID Town Hall Grassroots Fundraising

Don’t waste a nickel on another robocall. Let us craft specialized interactive autodial campaigns that activate your members, activate your voters, and expand your base.

  • Action Connect: #1 leading Patch Through system
  • GOTV calls
  • Generate RSVPs for your events
  • Signature gathering

Our specialty is identifying Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who lean conservative on key issues.

  • High quality results at little cost
  • Here is the key to winning races - what's a voter "hot button"?
  • Sky high response rates
  • Results in just days

In one hour, personally interact LIVE with thousands of your constituents, voters, or members at the touch of button.

  • Custom developed, full featured system
  • Invite an entire district in minutes
  • Competitive pricing
  • Run and manage a Town Hall from anywhere!

As an offering to select clients, we have a cash-flow positive prospecting service from a voter file.

  • Prospect for new donors and build your donor base from a voter file at break even or better!
  • Experienced, well trained, callers
  • Build your email list
  • Add new members who can be activated to help your organization